|Experienced Physiotherapy Services
At Echuca Moama Physiotherapy, our team of Physiotherapists are highly trained, undergo regular APA accredited courses and offer the best evidence based treatments available.
Our aim is to provide treatment, education and rehabilitation to patients with the latest evidence based technology. Echuca Moama Physiotherapy is a dynamic practice with an established theoretical and scientific base and widespread clinical applications in the restoration, maintenance, and promotion of optimal physical functions. Our therapists are health care professionals who help individuals maintain, restore, and improve movement, activity, and functioning, thereby enabling optimal performance and enhancing health, well-being, and quality of life. Physiotherapy can prevent, minimise, or eliminate impairments of body functions and structures, activity limitations, and participation restrictions.
Please contact us for further information on the wide range of physiotherapy services we offer from our modern, locally located clinic in Moama.
Specialist Sports Physiotherapy | Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy | Paediatric Physiotherapy | Women’s Health | Continence & Pelvic Floor | Rehabilitation | Vestibular Physiotherapy
Clinical Pilates | Fitness Pilates
General nail care| Diabetic foot care | Musculoskeletal conditions
Massage | Dry needling | Cupping
Exercise Physiology
Telehealth Services available
Echuca Moama Physiotherapy offer Telehealth appointments for those in Isolation or limiting their contact within the community. This is open for both Private and Work cover/TAC patients. For those who are not too tech-savvy, it is as simple as downloading an app on your smartphone called ‘PhysiApp’.
Click on the following link to be directed to the website for more information; https://www.physiapp.com/
Our friendly staff can guide you through the process if you have any questions. If you don’t wish to have video involvement, we can still give you a consultation over the App or via Phone. For more information or to book an appointment with a Practitioner, please call the clinic on 5480 0860.
Online Bookings
Online bookings now available!
If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to contact us.
To Book Online – Click the Heading ‘Online Bookings’
Head to ‘OUR TEAM’ and scroll to the bottom to Book Online by clicking the ‘Book Online’ Button

Centrally Located
Echuca Moama Physiotherapy are centrally located and offer friendly professional services.

Specialist Services
We offer a wide range of specialist treatments including a full range of Physiotherapy, Myotherapy, Exercise Physiology and Clinical Pilates services.

Clinical and Group Class Pilates
We also offer Pilates in our amazing ‘bushland vista’ studio. Get in harmony with your body.